Where’s the g#(@&damn photo???!!!

Well sir,

You are right to wonder. However, they were up for about 15 minutes this past Monday of Halloween. Unfortunately, I received a threatening email from the Chief Curator of the Guggenheim Museum, which wasn’t pleasant, and I felt was unjustified. The Chief Curator had already leaked images to the NYT and then NY Magazine and Art in America, and as a patron of the show, I had pictures I could release to create buzz and excitement, so…  However, though a museum lover, I decided to call the artist, Cattelan, and he asked me to remove them, so I did. Perhaps he really wanted it up, but didn’t want to cross the “powers that be”, we’ll never know. It was a great trick for Halloween, and consistent with the artist’s practice of pulling complicated pranks, but it must remain a footnote and not a part of the story. I don’t believe the show is better off, but it’s not my show, so I demurred.

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